Cyber security has never been simple.
And because attacks evolve every day as attackers become more inventive, it is critical to properly define cyber security and identify what constitutes good cyber security.

DTS understands that malware is a publicly available commodity that makes it easy for anyone to become a cyber attacker. Cyber security demands focus and dedication. DTS strives to protect the data and integrity of computing assets belonging to or connecting to an organization and its network. Our purpose is to defend those assets against all threat actors throughout the entire life cycle of a cyber-attack. As cyber security experts we have a stronger understanding of current threats and are able to confront those challenges more effectively.

Our Expertise
Why Choose Us
Our Cyber Security Consulting services combine software enabled security automation tools with human intelligence to enhance your company’s cyber security programs and empower time-sensitive decision making. We assess the cyber risk to your organization based on the context of your business and can provide actionable recommendations to respond to breaches, advise on cyber policy best practices, solve cyber security problems and meet compliance requirements.

Why Contract with a Trustmark Holder
Organizations that carry the CompTIA Security Trustmark+ have demonstrated their commitment to industry recognized security standards and adhere to prescribed compliance measures. To obtain this esteemed credential, our organization has undergone an extensive practice review, including an examination of our methodologies and management policies with a third-party auditor. This process authenticates our ability to prevent data breaches and IT security intrusions in our clients’ networks and systems, as well as our own business.

The CompTIA Security Trustmark+ offers our clients peace of mind – knowing that we employ industry best practices and tools to keep your business systems and data safe and secure. It also confirms our commitment to quality, assuring our customers that we have what it takes to help them meet their industry and government compliance obligations.